Recent releases

Graduates of the University of Vienna strengthen our economy and society

Why investing in universities means investing in our society

23.10.2023 | [weiter]

Picture of the "Octopus vulgaris"

New insights into the genetics of the common octopus: genome at the chromosome level decoded

Scientific milestone provides deeper insights into the evolution and biology of Octopus vulgaris

19.10.2023 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: The original digital image

Art with DNA – Digitally creating 16 million colors by chemistry

Previous limitation to 256 colors far exceeded

17.10.2023 | [weiter]

Picture of a nurse

Microbial Metabolites: A New Link to Parkinson's Disease?

Researchers from the University of Vienna, University of Konstanz, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine uncover a potential environmental trigger for Parkinson's disease.

11.10.2023 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: The tomb complex of Queen Meret-Neith in Abydos during excavation.

5,000-year-old wine for Egyptian queen

New archaeological discoveries at the tomb of Meret-Neith in Abydos

09.10.2023 | [weiter]

Eine Katze liegt auf einem Sofa

Cats purr differently than previously thought

The cat larynx can produce purring sounds without cyclical neural input

04.10.2023 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Picture of ClimGrass, a field experiment in Styria

Soil bacteria prevail despite drought conditions

Real-world climate change experiment reveals surprising soil response

29.09.2023 | [weiter]

A mulch film covering cultivated fields

How can the use of plastics in agriculture become more sustainable?

New study on plastic in our food systems

25.09.2023 | [weiter]