Recent releases

Fig. 1: Graphic about the decay and fission of magnetic quivers.

Groundbreaking Progress in Quantum Physics: How Quantum Field Theories Decay and Fission

A simple concept of decay and fission of "magnetic quivers" helps to clarify complex quantum physics and mathematical structures.

03.06.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Graphic of C–H activation

Breaking bonds to form bonds: Rethinking the Chemistry of Cations

New chemical reaction with potential applications in medicinal chemistry

16.05.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Larva of the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii, scanning electron micrograph

Nature's 3D printer: bristle worms form bristles piece by piece

Better understanding of this natural formation process offers potential for technical developments

13.05.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Picture of Tillandsia fasciculata.

Unlocking the Genetic Mysteries Behind Plant Adaptation: New Insights into the Evolution of a Water-Saving Trait in the Pineapple Family (Bromeliaceae)

Adaptation of the photosynthetic mechanism in air plants (Tillandsia) occurs through gene duplication

30.04.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Picture of a forest

How can forests be reforested in a climate-friendly way?

Only a few tree species are flexible enough to survive a century of rapid climate change

29.04.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Illustration of Naegleriavirus based on electron microscopy.

Giant Viruses Infect Deadly Parasite

New unusual giant virus discovered in wastewater treatment plant near Vienna

24.04.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Resource-efficient multi-photon processor based on an optical fiber loop.

Compact quantum light processing

A leap forward in optical quantum computing

19.04.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: First authors Stefanie Imminger and Dimitri Meier sampling biocrusts in the Negev Desert, Israel.

How soil microbes survive in harsh desert environments

As desertification spreads worldwide, scientists discover how desert microbes endure harsh drought periods

17.04.2024 | [weiter]