Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gunther Kaltenböck
Professur für Englische Sprachwissenschaft an der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (befristet auf 2 Jahre 4 Monate)
Curriculum Vitae:
born 1965 in Grieskirchen
1983-1988 Studies of English and French Language and Literature, University of Vienna
1988-1989 Studies of Phonetics, Linguistics and Literature at University College London
1990 Mag. phil, University of Vienna
1990-1991 M.A. in Modern English Language at University College London
1991-1992 Teacher for English and French at grammar schools
1993-1996 Research assistant and lecturer at the University of Vienna, English Department
1996-1997 Ph.D. research grant and research fellow at the Survey of English Usage, University College London
1998 Ph.D. in English linguistics, University of Vienna
1998-2007 part-time and full-time positions as research assistant and lecturer at the University of Vienna (English Department) and lecturer at the University of Economics & Business Administration Vienna, Pädagogische Hochschule and the University of Applied Sciences (Wifi Wien)
since 2007 Senior Scientist at English Department, University of Vienna
2013 Habilitation in English linguistics
since October 2015 Professor of English Linguistics, Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna
Research Areas:
* Cognitive-functional grammar, Usage-based grammar
* Pragmatics and discourse analysis
* Corpus linguistics
* Language variation and change
* Extra-clausal constituents (Thetical Grammar)
* Language processing and information packaging
* Phonetics/Prosody